K8s Series: Practical Tricks

2 min readSep 11, 2023


This blog series aims to introduce the nitty-gritty of Kubernetes, uncovering the practical tricks that may offer a different perspective to those new to Kubernetes, based on real-world experience.

Please feel free to check out all articles at the bottom of this page. It will be constantly updated with new stories.

The State of Kubernetes Education

The Kubernetes community is robust, filled with extensive documentation and abundant training resources that cater to all skill levels. This abundance of material means there’s essentially no “knowledge access cost” for learning Kubernetes, whether you’re a beginner or an expert.

So, why would I go to the effort of creating resources that closely resemble existing ones, when it seems unlikely to substantially benefits the community?

The Gap in Understanding

The reason is that the difference between a beginner and an expert often boils down to experience. The best practices for Kubernetes are generally well-documented but may be difficult for newcomers to grasp or implement initially. This difficulty often stems from the need for a strong foundational understanding of lower-level concepts such as operating systems, cloud providers, storage, and networking. Moreover, many of Kubernetes’ most potent features work best when using multiple resources together, creating a synergistic effect that can be challenging for novices to capitalise on.

What This Series Will Offer

In this blog series, I intend to share practical and actionable insights on using Kubernetes in various scenarios. Topics will include — but are not limited to — best practices for using Kubernetes objects, inventive ways to employ certain objects for specialized tasks, and even guidelines on building your own Kubernetes operator for streamlined operations.

Format and Audience

Each blog post will address a single, specific problem, providing a solution that is both simple and straight to the point. For advanced readers, these individual posts can be pieced together to form a comprehensive understanding of more complex Kubernetes orchestration tasks.

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